

Welcome to my blog where I will be documenting and recording my experiences as I learn to code. I have been working through the Stanford SEE CS106A course, Programming Methodology. It is an introductory course that teaches good software engineering practices. The instructor is Mehran Sahami and he is one of the best teachers I have ever studied under (even though we have never made acquaintance!). The language which the course uses is Java. The course does not teach the ins and outs of Java. Instead it uses java to help start learning programming fundamentals as a whole.

I am already done with the first two assignments of the course (which I might post in the future). So, I’m starting this blog from assignment 3 onwards. I will be posting my strategy and code for each assignment. There is also a course reader for CS106A, The Art and Science of Java by Eric Roberts. I am studying it along with the lectures and handouts. I’m currently going through the 5th chapter of the book named “Methods”. Each chapter has some exercises at the end, which I shall be attempting and posting the resulting code and approach here.

I am loving the coding process and it is fun to learn all about it. I hope this blog can help me keep myself on track and committed. I also hope, if anyone else is taking the open course, they would chime in with their own code or strategies to attempt the assignments. And lastly, this blog might be helpful for someone who is stuck at a particular exercise or assignment. As I have gotten help from other blogs and sites when I have been stuck.


while (CodingIsFun) {
this blog will keep updating;

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