Sudoku Solver


I worked on this program some time back. This is my first attempt at proper Object Oriented Programming.

It is a Sudoku Solver. User enters a 9×9 number grid of an unsolved Sudoku puzzle and the program computes the solution using recursive backtracking.

The assignment it is based on is here.

And here is the CodeReview thread for this program. I have worked on it based on the feedback given.

Github Link for the Code

Change in Plans

Two months since my last post here. I have been drowning in an ocean of confusion for a long time. Since all this learning I’m trying to do is with the aim to get a job, I have had to think hard about what my plan of action should be. I have switched to working with Java only (for now).

I’m working through 2 courses currently CS108 from Stanford and CS61B from UCBerkeley. There are no video lectures for CS108 available online but the handout notes are thorough and one main objective of the course is “Doing stuff by yourself”. Leveraging the power of the internet and seeking answers on your own. So, its not a huge hurdle that the lectures aren’t available.
CS108 is a project based course where the aim is to learn a lot more about Java & OOP and work on bigger projects. The amount of starter/helper code is reduced to nil very soon into the course.

CS61B on the other hand has lectures available on youtube. But the homeworks and projects that are part of the curriculum leave you in the deep without much help. Again emphasizing the importance of doing things yourself. This is a Data Structures course in Java. It’s very challenging and some of the problems are hard to crack that take a long time. But this is good practice for competitive programming, I guess.

So look forward to the projects and homeworks from these courses. They are much more meaty and challenging hence more fun to do!!