Sudoku Solver


I worked on this program some time back. This is my first attempt at proper Object Oriented Programming.

It is a Sudoku Solver. User enters a 9×9 number grid of an unsolved Sudoku puzzle and the program computes the solution using recursive backtracking.

The assignment it is based on is here.

And here is the CodeReview thread for this program. I have worked on it based on the feedback given.

Github Link for the Code

Boggle Project

Screenshot from 2014-10-12 18:06:24

Here is the last project I did from CS106B, Boggle. It’s aim was to give us practice with recursion and the main juicy part of the program was a bit tricky to crack. So, had fun thinking it through. Although, I must say, after starting to learn OO Design, this project doesn’t look good to me. This is all procedural and hard to extend or re-use. This assignment could have been broken up into classes that talk to each other and the code would have been much more modular and extendable.

A lot more about OO is coming up on this blog as I learn more.

Click here for Assignment Handout

Boggle on GitHub

CS106B Assignments 1 to 3

I’m loving C++ and CS106B so far. Learning a lot of new stuff like the collection classes – vector, stack, queue, maps and sets. And…..

Recursion!!!! Took a while to wrap my head around it. I still haven’t actually “gotten” it but at least I’m not totally clueless about it. I’m doing the newer assignments for recursion as I am using the newer CS106B libraries.

So here are the links to the assignents 1, 2 and 3 that I have done so far.

Assignment1 – Simple C++

Assignment2 – ADTs/Collection Classes

Assignment3 – Recursion

Hopefully I’ll be posting each of the next assignments as a seperate posts and talk a little about the challenges I faced.