Done with CS106A! Assignments #5 and #7

I’m finally done with CS106A. I did all the assignments and all the section handout problems. It was an incredibly fun and fascinating experience. Learned loads, but it still feels like I’ve just begun to scratch the surface of computer science.

The hardest part of the experience was coming up with logical solutions to the tricky problems. I will talk about that in an upcoming post, the struggle of coming up with an effective and “efficient” algorithm at the introductory level of programming. I mention the introductory level because I know there are methods and algorithms I will soon learn that have efficiency as their main concern. Anyways,

A BIG thank you to Mehran Sahami. I don’t know if he will ever read this post but I would like to say that he is the reason I got interested in this field. I began watching the first lecture out of curiosity and got hooked to his charming and jolly teaching methodology. So, my utmost gratitude to him.

I worked on Assignment #6 but lost it after formatting my hard disk by mistake. I switched to Ubuntu/Linux from Windows and didn’t realize that it would wipe my whole disk instead of a single partition.

But here are assignments #5 Yahtzee! and #7 FacePamphlet. The latter is only the console version which includes all the major parts of the assignment except the graphical elements as I didn’t find them to be particularly important for this application and this is mainly for practising database management at a small scale.

Assignment#5 – Yahtzee

Assignment#7 – FacePamphlet