Boggle Project

Screenshot from 2014-10-12 18:06:24

Here is the last project I did from CS106B, Boggle. It’s aim was to give us practice with recursion and the main juicy part of the program was a bit tricky to crack. So, had fun thinking it through. Although, I must say, after starting to learn OO Design, this project doesn’t look good to me. This is all procedural and hard to extend or re-use. This assignment could have been broken up into classes that talk to each other and the code would have been much more modular and extendable.

A lot more about OO is coming up on this blog as I learn more.

Click here for Assignment Handout

Boggle on GitHub

CS106B Assignments 1 to 3

I’m loving C++ and CS106B so far. Learning a lot of new stuff like the collection classes – vector, stack, queue, maps and sets. And…..

Recursion!!!! Took a while to wrap my head around it. I still haven’t actually “gotten” it but at least I’m not totally clueless about it. I’m doing the newer assignments for recursion as I am using the newer CS106B libraries.

So here are the links to the assignents 1, 2 and 3 that I have done so far.

Assignment1 – Simple C++

Assignment2 – ADTs/Collection Classes

Assignment3 – Recursion

Hopefully I’ll be posting each of the next assignments as a seperate posts and talk a little about the challenges I faced.